One Special Summer is one special book. Published in 1974, it is an illustrated diary of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy’s magical summer abroad with her sister Lee. It is filled with hilarious stories of the two sisters as they sail off on the Queen Elizabeth, board trains filled with sketchy old men, and attend glittering parties where they laugh their heads off and make playful fun of everyone who attends. Beautifully illustrated with hand-drawings and sketches of their journey, along with their own photographs.
One Special Summer is one special book. Published in 1974, it is an illustrated diary of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy’s magical summer abroad with her sister Lee. It is filled with hilarious stories of the two sisters as they sail off on the Queen Elizabeth, board trains filled with sketchy old men, and attend glittering parties where they laugh their heads off and make playful fun of everyone who attends. Beautifully illustrated with hand-drawings and sketches of their journey, along with their own photographs.